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How do I purchase licenses in bulk or by invoice / purchase order

This page contains information for school administrators, Purchasing- and IT departments concerning vendor information, and W-9.

In order to make buying from us as convenient as possible, we use a third-party vendor to offer localized payment methods in various currencies and handle fulfillment of transactions, digital invoicing, tax compliance, and remittance.

BRIGHTMARKET, LLC (DBA FASTSPRING), is acting as the vendor and merchant of record for our worldwide bulk sales.

Set up FastSpring as a Supplier

To set FastSpring up as a supplier, or to create a new vendor portal, refer to the FastSpring Vendor Onboarding Fact Sheet.

If you need more information, contact FastSpring Consumer Support and include any pending order number and a link to the Whiteboard.fi website.

VENDOR DOCUMENTS (FastSpring / Brightmarket)

Vendor office

801 Garden St, Suite 201, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101

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